This Week I Learned #2

Here are some of the things I learned this week, in the order I’ve noted them down. This week I created a separate section for programming to keep things tidy.

  • Contact tracing. A joint initiative by Apple and Google to help health organizations throughout the world slow down the spread of COVID-19. This excellent entry on NSHipster is a good place to start if you’re interested in the nitty-gritty details. The official documentation itself can be found here.

  • Last week I mentioned free access to the ACM Digital Library during COVID-19. This week I stumbled upon this list of similar offers compiled by Michael Tsai.

# Programming

  • The relationship between size, stride, and alignment in the memory layout of Swift types, thanks to this excellent article by Greg Heo.

  • In Swift Combine, you can filter out nil values using .compactMap { $0 } (reference). I was using filter(_:) before but that still requires force-unwrapping the value in subsequent operations.

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