This Week I Learned #3

Here are some of the things I learned this week, in the order I’ve noted them down.

  • The words ”esoteric” and ”niche” do not have the same connotations. I used the two interchangeably in the past, and that resulted in some really awkward sentences. Thanks anonymous reader for the tip!

# Programming

  • How the layout algorithm works in SwiftUI stack views. Huge props to Adrian Zubarev for making that task easier for me. I will be sharing more about these findings, and the context that motivated them, in the near future.

  • Database normalization and normal forms, through various articles and resources, including this one. I’ve intentionally tried to stay as far as possible from databases for the past 10 years, but now I feel like I am missing out on a fundamental aspect of building server-side software.

  • After all these years, CSS is still fun.

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